Templated Attributes menu contents

Edit DGD Templates

Use the Edit DGD Templates option to change attribute assignments configured in the attribute template associated with a given DGD.

Assign Data

Use the Assign Data option to assign attributes to selected design objects or alter attribute values which are currently assigned.

Get Object Data

Use the Get Object Data option to retrieve details about templated attributes already assigned.

Colour By

Use Colour By to assign colour to a design object based on an existing colour legend.

Visible By

Use Visible By to make objects visible, invisible, or shadowed based upon the entered condition. Click here to see a table of expressions > Templated Attributes Expressions.

Delete Attributes

Use the Delete Attributes option to remove selected assigned templated attributes from objects.

Edit Resource Templates

Use the Edit Resource Template option to edit an attribute template that is stored in the Resources area.

DGD Template to Resources

Use DGD Template to Resources to export an attribute template to the Vulcan Resources area.

Resource Template to DGD

Use the Resource Template to DGD option to import attribute templates from the Vulcan Resources area into the currently active design database.

Templated Attributes Expressions

This topic includes information about expressions for templated attributes, including operators and functions.


Templated Attributes tutorials