Wash Conversion menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Wash Conversion submenu and its available options.

Source DB Setup

Use the Source DB Setup option to inform Vulcan of the names you have given to the required records and fields in the Isis design (datasheet) you created to hold the Mincom washability data.

Conversion Log-File Structure

Use the Conversion Log File Structure option to control the structure of the log file created when you run a conversion.

Conversion Setup

Use the Conversion Setup option to convert and transfer Washability tables.

Run Conversion

Use the Run Conversion option to convert non-Maptek wash conversion data to the Maptek format.

View/Edit Conversion Log-File

Use the View/Edit Conversion Log File option to view and edit an existing conversion log file.

Query Transferred Data

Use the Query Transferred Data option to run batch queries to determine the washability characteristics using a dataset that has been successfully converted to the Maptek form.

View/Edit Query Log-File

Use the View/Edit Query Log File option to view and edit an existing query log file.

View/Edit Selection File

Use the View/Edit Selection File option to view and edit an existing selection file.

View/Edit Washability Mapfile

Use the View/Edit Washability Mapfile option to view and edit an existing Washability mapfile.