Analyse menu contents

Cost Benefits Analysis

Use the Cost Benefit Analysis option to analyse an ore body based on predefined variables, such as recovery, mining cost, dilution etc., and return whether or not it should be mined.

Global Gradient

Use the Global Gradient option to apply a gradient value to a series of objects based on point sequence.

Drill Hole Warning

Use the Drill Hole Warning option to highlight and report details on holes that exist in a nominated 3D distance of centrelines or triangulations.

Proximity Alert

Use the Proximity Alert option to report on any loaded triangulations that fall in a nominated 3D distance of another triangulation.

Find Entry Point

Use the Find Entry Point option to use a grade value to locate the nearest path between a point and an object.

Stope Analyser

Use the Stope Analyser option to determine which blocks are worth mining based on a grade or some other block model variable that is combined into a minimum or basic stope.

Stope Optimiser

Use the Stope Optimiser option to create an XML file from Vulcan block models and triangulations settings, which then may be read by a stope optimiser product. product.