Stope Optimiser Overview

The Stope Optimiser option offers an interface that defines specification and parameter settings for Vulcan block models and triangulations and, from the information entered, creates an.xml file that can be read by a stope optimising product.

Within the interface, the optimal size, shape, and location of stopes for underground mine design is computed using an input file of block model grades and/or values. Along with performing preliminary reserve estimation, a detailed stope design is also done to optimise the final location of stopes and pillars, while allowing for mining dilution, narrow or dipping ore bodies, and maximization of recovered value.

The optimal mineable shape is determined, taking into account the ore body geometry, but without the restrictions of regular stop shapes (rectangular or oblique rectangular), or fixed wireframe shapes. The stope shape is separated into parameters, mimicking engineering practices that generate outlines on adjacent sections, defined by four points on the roof and the floor, and linking those sections to create a wireframe shape for evaluation against the block model. Constraints can be applied on the dip and strike of the final stope shape, and multiple stopes can be generated on a level section with minimal pillar dimensions enforced.

Four different configurations are allowed for the block model and the shape framework definition.

  • Neither the input block model or the framework are rotated (that is, orthogonal)
  • Both input block model and framework are rotated, and have identical rotation definitions
  • Both input block model and framework are rotated, and have identical rotation definitions but a different origin
  • One or both are rotated but do not have compatible rotation definitions. This case introduces additional complexity in the stope evaluation calculations.

Use the last configuration with deliberation and care as it may be orders of magnitude slower, depending on your model.

In general, the steps for stope optimisation include:

  1. Loading the Underground > Analyse > Stope Optimiser option
  2. Creating or loading an existing specification
  3. Creating, copying or loading an existing scenario
  4. Defining the Input, Stope Framework, Output, Optimisation Control, Stope Control, and Explain fields and controls
  5. Comparing your stope design to your block model. If the design is not suitable, continue iterating and modifying variables until the two are better suited.
  6. Running reserves when the stope design is satisfactory.

Related Topics


Open Specification



  • Block Selection
  • Output


    Stope Framework

  • Dimensions
  • Optimisation Control


    Slice Method

    Slice Method Slice Definition

    Slice Method Stope Geometry

    Slice Method Post Processing

    Section Method

    Section Method Slice Definition

    Section Method Stope Geometry

    Section Method Post Processing

    Prism Method


