
Use Explain to quickly optimise and review a specific area of framework without optimising the entire stope. This helps to produce quick results for specific areas without waiting for a potentially long optimising process. Select the Quad cell value (one specific block in the framework), the World coordinates, or perform a screen pick to identify the block(s) to which you want to perform a rapid optimisation.


A block model must be selected from the Open Specification page.


On the Underground menu, point to Analyse, click Stope Optimiser, and then select Explain from the tree menu on the left to display the Explain panel.

Enable validation

Select this check box to enable the buttons and fields on this panel.

World XYZ

Select this option to enter the World X, Y, and Z values to identify a coordinate in the framework to optimise. You can also use this coordinate to identify the Quad cell value.

The World X, World Y, and World Z coordinates must fall in the minimum and maximum extents defined in the Stope Framework option.

Quad cell value

Select this option to enter the exact IJK cell value that uniquely identifies the one block in the input resource model framework that you want to optimise, and then review and analyse the resulting data. This cell value must be less than the product of the number of steps taken to define the value (for example, ny * nz -1 ).

Get Coordinates

Click to pick coordinates from the screen. The selected values will populate the Quad cell value and World X, Y, and Z fields.

Related Topics


Open Specification



  • Block Selection
  • Output


    Stope Framework

  • Dimensions
  • Optimisation Control


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