Slice Method: Stope Geometry

Use Slice Method Stope Geometry to define the physical constraints of the stope. These measurements can be based on ground conditions and/or on equipment.


A block model must be selected from the Open Specification page.


On the Underground menu, point to Analyse, click Stope Optimiser, and then select Slice Method > Stope Geometry from the tree menu on the left to display the Stope Geometry panel. If you have selected an XZ or YZ stope orientation plane you will get the Vertical Stope Geometry panel. If you have selected XY or YX then you will get the Horizontal Stope Geometry panel

Horizontal Stope Geometry

Minimum stope height

Enter the minimum mining height (>/= 0.0) allowed for this stope shape. The default is 5.0.

Maximum stope height

Enter the maximum mining height allowed for this stope shape. The value must be greater than the defined minimum. The default is 100.0

Minimum waste pillar height

Enter the minimum waste pillar height (>/= 0.0). A waste pillar is inserted once the maximum stope width/length has been met. It inserts the pillar in-between adjacent stopes in the calculated direction. If you mine up against fill and do not require a waste pillar you can put in a small number (0.01 for example). The optimizer does not support a zero value for waste pillar height.

Strike Dip


Enter the minimum allowable strike angle of the stope. This strike angle is applied to edge on the calculated axis of the stope. The default is -45.00.


Enter the maximum allowable strike angle of the stope. This strike angle is applied to the edge on the calculated axis of the stope. The default is 20.0.

Maximum change

Enter the maximum difference in angle in degrees (0.0 - 90.0) between the top and bottom edges of the side of a stope shape. The default is 20.0.

Transverse Dip

Minimum floor

The minimum transverse dip angle for the floor (different roof/floor method)

Maximum floor change

The maximum difference in angle in degrees between the front and back transverse dip angles on the floor (different roof/floor method)

Maximum floor

The maximum transverse dip angle for the floor (different roof/floor method)

Minimum roof

The minimum transverse dip angle for the roof (different roof/floor method)

Maximum roof change

The maximum difference in angle in degrees between the front and back transverse dip angles on the roof (different roof/floor method)

Maximum roof

The maximum transverse dip angle for the roof (different roof/floor method)

Shape refinement

The position of the additional points is defined relative to the original 4 points. The position is defined by a vertical range, as shown in the diagram, where a range fraction of 0.2-0.8 is depicted.

Points per edge

The number of points is specified by defining the number of points on each wall, being either 2, 3 or 4 points.

Min vertical location fraction

Enter a value for the minimum vertical location of the mid-point/s n on the footwall side. The default is 0.5.

Max vertical location fraction

Enter a value for the maximum vertical location of the mid-point/s n on the footwall side. This value must be greater than the minimum value. The default is 0.5.

Floor / Roof

The lateral position of the points can be constrained relative to a line joining the stope corners (see dotted lines). The lateral position can be constrained to an outwards limit (the convex distance), and/or to an inwards limit (the concave distance). In this way each wall (near, far, hangingwall or footwall) can be constrained to be either concave only, convex only, or any position in between a convex/concave limit.

Max concave distance

Maximum distance allowed in the concave direction on the footwall side. The default is 0.0.

Max convex distance

Maximum distance allowed in the convex direction on the footwall side. The default is 0.0.

Middle to top/bottom ratio

The upper limit for the ratio (longer/shorter) of the middle edges of the top and bottom face of a stope shape. Enter a value equal to or greater than 1.0. The default is 1.20.

Left to right ratio

The upper limit for the ratio (longer/shorter) of the middle edges of the front and back face of a stope shape. Enter a value equal to or greater than 1.0. The default is 1.20.

Trough Undercut


The width of the trough undercut at the floor of the stope. The default is 5.0.


Trough undercut angle. The default is 50.0.


The relative position of the trough to the stope. The default is centre.


The minimum depth of the trough undercut. The default is 0.0.


The maximum depth of the trough undercut. The default is 0.0.


The increment that is used for determining the width of the trough. It should be in sub-multiples if the difference between min and max.

Related Topics


Open Specification



  • Block Selection
  • Output


    Stope Framework

  • Dimensions
  • Optimisation Control


    Slice Method

    Slice Method Slice Definition

    Slice Method Stope Geometry

    Slice Method Post Processing

    Section Method

    Section Method Slice Definition

    Section Method Stope Geometry

    Section Method Post Processing

    Prism Method


