Coal Reserves menu contents


This section describes the options under the Coal Reserves submenu. It is used to estimate the volume, tonnage, quality etc. of an underground coal mine. The underground coal mine is designed through the Coal Development submenu.

Open Mine Workings

Use the Open Mine Workings option to define a working layer. All underground coal design work, such as drivages, panels and outlines, will be placed in this layer.

Geology Setup

Use the Geology Setup option to set the parameters describing the horizons and their qualities, which are to be used in reserve calculations. This does not have to be the whole geological environment of the coal deposit, you can specify just one horizon.


Use the Project option to create the 3D blocks that will be used to reserve.

Reserve Setup

Use the Reserve Setup option to set up the reserve calculation parameters.

Run Reserve

Use the Run Reserve option to calculate the reserves. The parameters that describe which blocks to reserve are specified through the Reserve Setup option.

Delete Projected

Use the Delete Projected option to delete the 3D blocks that were created through the Project option.