Plot Edit menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Plot Edit submenu and its available options.


The Load option is to load a plot file, which was generated in Vulcan or Datamine, into a nominated layer.

Open Plot-Edit Window

The Open Plot-Edit Window option is to open the Plot Edit Window. If the Plot Edit Window is open, but is not active, then this option will switch from the current window to the Plot Edit Window.


The Create option allows a plot file is to be produced from the current screen image.

Sheet Template

The Sheet Template option is to select the paper (sheet) size for the plot to be plotted.


The Clip option is to select or split an area on the screen so that it can be plotted directly or pasted onto another plot.


The Rectangle option is to outline objects (usually text objects) by putting a rectangle or border around the objects.


The Ellipse option is to draw an ellipse in a similar manner to a rectangle.


The Arrow option is to draw arrows linking parts of the plot together.