Explosive Analysis menu contents


Use the Tonnage option to calculate the tonnage of a blast outline and posts this calculated tonnage as a text object onto the screen.

Annotate Holes

Use the Annotate Holes option to annotate blastholes with their names and/or depth for plotting.

Outline Reports

Use the Outline Reports option to create a report of the coordinates (X, Y) of the boundary polygon of the blast. You can also post this report to the screen as a text object so that it can be plotted.

Survey Reports

Use the Survey Reports option to create a report of collar coordinates (X, Y) of designated survey holes. You can also post this report to screen as a text object so that it can be plotted.

Generate Plans

Use the Generate Plans option to generate a plot file and a plot script file. The latter is used to send the plot file to a plotter.

Create Tie In

Use the Create Tie In option to create a tie.

Create Polygons

Use the Create Polygons option to create polygons with a feature.


Use the Analysis option to calculate the amount of explosives required to blast an area. This option is most useful when different parts of the blast are charged using different combinations of explosive types.