Monitoring menu contents

Data Mapping

Use the Data Mapping option to map the monitor fields, required by the Monitoring module, to the monitoring database fields without the need to set up synonyms in the datasheet. The Data Mapping option also to specify the format of the fields, For example, length and number of decimal places, as well as the units of measurement to be used for any output, and the fields to be exported.

Display Settings

Use the Display Settings option to set display parameters for the currently selected monitor time periods.

Select Data

Use the Select Data option to load monitors onto the screen for reporting, manipulating or plotting purposes.

Deselect Data

Use the Deselect Data option to remove monitors from the screen.


Use the Identify option to display information about a nominated monitor into the Report Window.


Use the Annotate option to display information about a nominated monitor in the Report Window.


Use the Filter option to smooth monitor data using a time series filter.


Use the Report option to generate a report of the monitoring data. Any or all of the parameters, base, extra or secondary, can be selected.


Use the Export option to export monitoring data to a database similar to a compositing or samples database.


Use the Model option to create models of the monitor data. The resulting model, may consist of triangulated surfaces, resulting vectors, grids, contours or point data.