Pit Layout menu contents

Create Strips/Blocks

Use the Create Strips/Blocks option to design mine strips and/or blocks along a nominated line or polygon. This forms the basis for strip and block reserves calculations.

Offset Strips

Use the Offset Strips option to generate parallel mine strips that are offset from a baseline and, if required, limited by a nominated polygon.

Fan Strips

Use the Fan Strips option to design mine strips that follow a pit turn or fan layout.

Crop Strips

Use the Crop Strips option to generate mine strips around a crop line that intrudes into the pit area.

Slice Strips

Use the Slice Strips option to generate mine strips in the area between two nominated strings.

Block Layout

Use the Block Layout option to create blocks by cutting along the cut line of a strip by a specified length.


Use the Join option to join adjacent blocks that share one or more common sides in a specified tolerance distance.


Use the Split option to split one strip into two separate strips.

Limit Strip/Block

Use the Limit Strip/Block option to limit a polygon, such as a mine strip, against an intersecting string.


Use the Naming option to manually name the currently loaded mine blocks.


Use the Reverse option to reverse the block naming for strips. There are limited panels and prompts associated with this option.