

This section provides a summary of the Block system and describes some of the advantages and disadvantages of using this modelling technique.


The Directory option to list and display information on the block model files found in the current working directory.


The Open option to open an existing block model.


The Close option to close the currently loaded block model.


The Header option is used to display the header information, for example, origin, format, dimensions and defined variables of the open block model file.

History List

The History List option to record and list all modifications and/or processes that have been performed on a specific block model file.


This section describes how to construct block models.


This section describes the different ways in which block models can be viewed.


This section describes the different ways in which block models can be manipulated. Options are available to derive new variables by calculation and to add, modify or delete variables. It is also possible to determine if blocks are located in projected polygons.


This section describes the import and export of block models. Also included are options that allow you to delete, extract or add portions of a block model to form a new model. Regularising of models is also available.


This section describes the methods for calculating reserves from block models and creating reserve reports.

Advanced Reserves

This section describes more advanced methods for calculating reserves from block models.


This section describes how to create and model most common types of variograms. Both grade and indicator variograms may be created. For each type of variogram, absolute, pairwise relative and lognormal are created. Variogram modelling supports spherical, exponential, linear, Gaussian and De Wijsian.


The Unfolding option is used in the grade estimation and variography of deformed strata bound deposits. This can be applied to deposits where mineralisation is controlled by a structural surface that can be modelled.

Grade Estimation

This section describes the GSLIB grade estimation package that can be used to insert grade values into a block model.

Gaussian Transformations

This section provides information about transforming block model data using Gaussian methods.


This section describes various block modelling simulation options

Pit Optimiser

This section provides information about Vulcan's Pit Optimiser module.

Cut-Off Grade Optimiser

This section provides information about Vulcan's Cut-Off Grade Optimiser module.

Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting

This section provides information about Vulcan's Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting module.

Grade Control Optimiser

This tool generates optimal block classifications and polygon networks from a block model slice.

Whittle 4D

This section describes the Whittle 4D interface.

Appendix A

This section lists the file naming conventions and provides examples of files.

Appendix B

This section explains what to do when you get error messages while using the Whittle 4D interface.

Appendix C

This section provides additional information on exporting and importing Vulcan block models to and from Whittle 4D.

Appendix D

This section provides additional information on geostatistical modelling.