Whittle 4D


A summary of the Whittle 4D submenu and its available options.

Set Up

The Set Up option to specify whether you want to use the hardcoded file extensions and hardcoded default system details or use the file extensions and system details from the initialisation file.

Edit fd.ini

The Edit fd.ini option to edit the Whittle 4D initialisation file.

Edit Whittle Parameters

The Edit Whittle Parameters option to create or edit a Whittle model parameter file. The parameter file contains details that are used by all the Whittle programs.

Export Model

The Export Model option to export blocks from a regular or sub-blocked Vulcan block model to a Whittle block model.

Export Polygon

The Export Polygon option to export blocks that are bounded by a visible Vulcan polygon to a Whittle polygon file.

Import Results

The Import Results option to import pit numbers from a Whittle results file into a regularised Vulcan block model.

Perform Run

The Perform Run option combines the interface tasks in a batch.


The Re-block option to combine or split blocks from Whittle models. The blocks can be derived from a Whittle model results or pit list file.

Create Arcs

The Create Arcs option to create structure arcs used by the algorithm for Pit Optimiser.


The Optimise option to perform a 4D pit optimisation. The option generates a group of nested pits based on a range of values.

Print Blocks

The Print Blocks option to generate plans and sections of mined pits.

Analyse Results

The Analyse Results option to simulate up to 30 different economic scenarios using optimisation results.


The Utility option to summarise a data file, to show block value calculations and to show Whittle 4D system limits.

Edit Model Parameters

The Edit Model Parameters option to create or edit Whittle parameters files and import V2.05 parameter files.