

This section provides a summary of the Transfer submenu and its available options.

Import ASCII

Use the Import ASCII option to create and update regular and non-regular block models.

Import Regular

Use the Import Regular option to import an ASCII block model file that may have been created by another block modelling program or by the Export ASCII option.

Import Subblock

Use the Import Subblock option allows you to import an ASCII file that may have been created by another block modelling program or in the Export ASCII option.

Import Attributes

Use the Import Attributes option to import an ASCII file containing block model details and grade estimation results into a pre-existing block model.

Export ASCII

Use the Export ASCII option to export a block model as an ASCII file.

Export Mask

Use the Export Mask option to export variables, from the open block model, that correspond to the X, Y, and Z locations of a mapfile or Isis database.

Export Drilling

Use the Export Drilling option to intersect a drillhole database with variables of the open block model that correspond to the X, Y and Z locations of the database.

Addition Parameters

Use the Addition Parameters option to create or edit a definition file that is used by the Perform Addition option to combine two nominated block models.

Perform Addition

Use the Perform Addition option to combine two block models based on a block model definition file and a variable constraining file created through the Addition Parameters option.

Regularise Model

Use the Regularise Model option to create or edit a block model definition file that can then be used to regularise a block model.

Tri-Block Parameters

Use this option to perform tri-blocking on a nominated block model.

Delete Blocks

Use the Delete Blocks option to delete blocks from a block model.

Extract Blocks

Use the Extract Blocks option to extract specified blocks from a block model and save them in another block model file.

Convert Classic to Extended

Use the Convert option to convert a 'Classic' Vulcan block model to the new 'Extended' block model format.

Model to CSV

Use the Model to CSV option to export block values to a nominated CSV file.

CSV to Model

Use the CSV to Model option to create a block model from a nominated CSV file.


Use the Archive option to save a layer to an archive file (.arch_d). The resulting file can be read by another computer and printed.

Load Archive

Use the Load Archive option to create a new block model from an archive file (.arch_d).


Use the Coalesce option to combine blocks based on a set of defined rules.