

This section provides a summary of the Viewing submenu and its available options.


Use the Inquire option to display the data stored in a queried block model block. The block information, that is, centroid details, variable information, block ID etc., displays through the Report Window.


Use the Blocks option to load blocks onto the screen.


Use the Contour option to contour (in any plane) variables in a block model. Contours can be saved as a layer for plotting or for use as design strings.

Grade Shells

Use the Grade Shells option to view areas of the block model above a particular cut-off grade.


Use the Pits option to produce contours for pits stored in a regular block model.

Intersect Triangle

Use the Intersect Triangle option to intersect a block model with a triangulation and draw the result as an underlay on the screen.


Use the Slice option to create a standard slice through a Vulcan block model, allowing you to display an index of all the cells that make up the slice or intersect that plane.

List Slice

Use the List Slice option to list all standard block model slices found in your current working directory.

Load Slice

Use the Load Slice option to load a standard block model slice onto the screen.

Remove Slice

Use the Remove Slice option to remove all loaded slices from the screen.


Use the Colour option to reselect a colour for a standard block model slice displayed on the screen.

Image Slice

Use the Image Slice option to create an image slice through a Vulcan block model, allowing you to display an index of all the cells that make up the slice or intersect that plane.

Load Image

Use the Load Image option to load an image slice onto the screen.

Load Dynamic Model

Use the Load Dynamic Model option to load a block model and then to section the model dynamically.

Modify Dynamic Model

Use the Modify Dynamic Model option to alter the viewing parameters of the loaded dynamic model.


Use the Remove option to remove selected block viewing information from the screen.