

This section provides a summary of the Manipulation submenu and its options.

Edit Cell

The Edit Cell option to select a point in a model and change the value of any variable at that point.


The Calculate option to calculate a variable value based on another variable in the model.


The Mine option to report on the proportion of a block that falls in a nominated triangulation(s). The 'mined-out' value, which can be reported as a percentage or fraction, will be written to a specified block model variable.

Flag 2D Polygon

The Flag 2D Polygon option to place (flag) a value in a block model if the centroid of the block is in a projected polygon.

Polygon Flag

The Polygon Flag option to store a value in a block model variable according to the polygon in which that block resides.

Triangulation Flag

The Triangulation Flag option to flag block models based on triangulations.

Edit Script

The Edit Script option to edit or create a script file using a text editor.

Execute Script

The Execute Script option to execute a script that was created through the Edit Script option.

Command Editor

The Command Editor option to create and edit batch files related to Vulcan block models.

Add Variable

The Add Variable option to add a variable to create a new field in the open block model.

Delete Variable

The Delete Variable option to delete a variable from the open block model.

Edit Variable

The Edit Variable option to change the name, default value and description of a block model variable.

Edit Translation Table

The Edit Translation Table option to edit the values in "name" (text string) variables.

Edit Description

The Edit Description option to assign or edit block model descriptions.

Edit Block

The Edit Block option to edit the values contained in a nominated block model block.


The Translate option to change a block model's origin.


The Rotate option to change a block model's rotation angles, that is, bearing, plunge and dip angles.


The Index option creates a spatial index to reference a block model.

Assign Values

The Assign Values option to assign block variable values from an input model to an output model.

Extract Definition File

The Extract Definition File option to create a new block model definition file from an existing block model.