

Use the General option to calculate reserves for up to 6 variables using multiple block selection criteria, grade cutoffs and report breakdown by a zone variable.

By Polygon

Use the By Polygon option to calculate reserves for a mining block drawn on a bench in a similar manner to the General option. The difference is that this option uses triangulations generated from polygons to select the blocks.

Cubic Reserves

Use the Cubic Reserves option to calculate overlapping triangulations which represents the waste between a primary and secondary stope.

Reserves to Attributes

Use this option for both generating and reporting reserves, and preparing data for use in Evolution.

Advanced Reserves Editor

Use the Advanced Reserves Editor to define reporting parameters for more complex or repeating reserve runs.

Process Dump File

Use the Process Dump File option to import a reserve dump file into a Reserve sheet.

Grade/Tonne Report

Use the Grade/Tonne Report option to produce a block reserves grade/tonnage report for chosen variables. The resulting report displays through the Report Window and, if desired, can also be outputted to a nominated file as well as used to create a multiple-line graph.

Advanced Grade/Tonne Report

Use the Advanced Grade/Tonne Report option to produce a block reserves grade/tonnage report for chosen variables. The resulting report displays through the Report Window and, if desired, can also be outputted to nominated files. This option provides more advanced reporting than the regular Grade/Tonne Report option.

Category Definition

Use Category Definition to set up multiple categories.

Category Population

Use this option to flag block models with product information defined in Category Definition.

Category Reserves

Use Category Reserves to breakdown the reserves by using a fraction field in the block model that defines what percent of that block is a particular material type.

Dynamic Reserves

Use the Dynamic Reserves option to show basic or advanced reserve reports of triangulations dynamically.