Channel Sampling menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Channel Sampling submenu and its available options.

Open Database

Use the Open Database option to open a channel database so channel samples can be added, edited and graphically displayed.


Use the Datasheet option to set up a channel sample database structure (design).


Use the Location option to create and edit channel sample locations and orientations.


Use the Attributes option to add or edit additional channel sample information, such as assays.

Associate Channel

Use the Associate Channel option to associate a channel with a digitised centre line.

Move Channel

Use the Move Channel option to interactively move a channel to a new position.

Rotate Channel

Use the Rotate Channel option to interactively rotate a channel.

Rotate Channel Dip

Use the Rotate Channel Dip option to interactively rotate a channel sample while maintaining the bearing.

Rotate Channel Bearing

Use the Rotate Channel Bearing option to interactively rotate a channel sample while maintaining the dip.

Load Channel

Use the Load Channel option to load and display channels.


Use the Identify option to display sample information on a nominated channel.

Annotation On

Use the Annotation On option to annotate the samples in a nominated channel with fields that have been set up in the channel sample database.

Annotation Off

Use the Annotation Off option to remove annotations from selected channels.


Use the Composite option to display the weighted average grade of specified composites.

Remove Samples

Use the Remove Samples option to remove all loaded channels from the screen.