Drillhole Planning menu contents

Evaluate Drill Density

Use this option to evaluate the current density of the selected drillholes within a triangulation, based on user-defined distance ranges.

Create Drill Targets

Use this option to quickly and easily create drilling target points within a triangulation based on user-defined grid spacings.

Create Drillholes

Use this option to quickly and easily create drillholes for both underground and surface drilling programs.

Edit Drillholes

Use this option to quickly and easily edit drillholes for both underground and surface drilling scenarios.


Use this option to review and report on potential hazards during the drillhole planning stage.

Deviation Calculation Manager

Use this option to calculate the expected deviation of new drillholes.

Drill Rig Setup Specification

Use this option to create a specification file and store the setup constraints of a drill rig in that specification file.

Cost Estimation Specification

Use this option to define the estimated drilling costs.

Reposition Hole

Use this option to edit drillholes that are currently displayed on the screen.

Convert Object to Drillhole

Use this option to generate a total depth drillhole collar from a nominated Vulcan object and add it to the currently open drillhole database.