Reposition Hole

Use this option to edit drillholes that are currently displayed on the screen. You can interactively edit collar location for planned drillholes already committed to a database. Adjust holes in X, Y, and Z collar location, length, and orientation by selecting points or by dragging the entire drill hole display in Vulcan.


Only holes with no assay or deviation information are candidates for interactive edit.


Within the database, the East, North, and Elevation fields reflect the last position selected. Also, the Total Depth field reflects the new distance.

In the survey table, the Dip and Azimuth fields are also updated. These values can be verified using the Distance between points option.


You must have a geological database open and have loaded drillholes. For more information, see Geology > Open Database and Geology > Load Drillholes.


  1. Select Geology > Drillhole Planning > Reposition Hole.
  2. Click Move points or Drag hole to specify the method to use for moving the hole.
    • Select Move points to move each point separately. First, move the collar, then the end point. In the database, the East, North, Elevation, and Total Depth fields are only modified if the collar is moved. The Azimuth and Dip fields are modified if any of the points are moved.
    • Select Drag hole to move the complete drillhole to a specified position. The East, North, and Elevation fields are modified in the database.
  3. Select File > Save .
  4. Specify how the new drillhole will be named. You can either use the name of the selected Vulcan object or specifically assign a unique drillhole name.
  5. Once a naming method is selected, select the object to convert. The name of the selected object is used to name the new drillhole. If you chose to manually assign the drillhole name, a panel displays once an object is selected.
  6. Click OK.

    Note:  If a drillhole with the same name already exists in the database, it will prompt to supply a different drillhole name or replace the existing hole.

  7. To display the newly created drillhole, reload the drillholes using the Load Drillholes option.

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