Breakthrough Hazards Report

The section allows creating triangulations that represent cones or discs using specified dimensions around the planned drillholes. The drillhole hazard triangulations are then used to identify any potential hazards that the drillhole may intersect with.

This section is split mainly into three sections:

Enable Breakthrough Hazards Report

Selecting this option will enable different parameters on this panel and run the Breakthrough Hazards Report when the Save and Run button is clicked.

Load From

This option allows the Depth Threshold and associated Hazard Width parameters to be imported from an already existing breakthrough hazards thresholds specification file (*.bht_spec).

Depth Threshold

This defines the downhole depths that the associated Hazard Width will be applied to when creating the drillhole hazard triangulation. This is treated as a To depth value.

A 0 value Depth Threshold can be used to define the desired width at the collar when using the Cone Triangulation Output option. However, when using the Disc Triangulation Output, 0 value Depth Threshold will be ignored.

Note:  The largest Depth Threshold should be greater than the maximum hole length; otherwise, the last value will be applied.

Figure 1 : Depth Threshold values in Cones and Discs triangulation output

Hazard Width

This defines the width (radius, in DG1 units) of the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) that will be created for the associated Depth Threshold.

Save As

This allows the currently defined Depth Threshold and associated Hazard Width parameters to be saved as a breakthrough hazards thresholds specification file (*.bht_spec).

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