Extend Drillholes

When planning drillholes, it is common practise to extend the drillholes beyond the planned interpretive wireframe target to ensure that the desired geological unit is intersected.

Extensions can be applied to all drillholes using the Apply to All button or to those currently selected in the grid by using the Apply to Selection button.

Note:  Drillholes can not only be extended but shortened by the use of negative values. The Undo and Redo buttons on the panel can be used to undo/redo drillhole extensions, to allow more selective extensions if required.

Extend Max Depth by Distance

This allows drillholes to be extended, from the current end of hole, by the specified distance.

Distance Beyond Last Intersection with Triangulation

This allows the drillhole to be extended by the specified distance beyond the second intersection of the drillhole with the selected triangulation, as shown in the example image below.

Figure 1 : Drillhole extended beyond the second intersection of the drillhole with the selected triangulation

Extend Max Depth by Percentage of Total Hole Length

This allows drillholes to be extended, from the current end of hole, by the specified percentage of the total hole length.

Edit Max Depth

This allows drillholes to be extended to the specified Max Depth value.

Round End of Hole Length

This allows the depth of the drillholes to be rounded off to the nearest whole number of the multiple value (Round EOH to the nearest) supplied. The value is 1.0 by default.

As an example, if this option is selected and Apply to All button is pressed, then the Max Depth values are rounded off to their nearest whole numbers.

Note:  The rounding takes place only when the end survey point does not match to the survey interval. If the rounding unit is greater than the survey interval, new survey point(s) is/are added.

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