Output Options

This section allows drillholes to be saved to a design database, CSV files, or an ISIS drillhole database.


Select this option to save drillholes to a layer in the currently open design database.

Split layers based on collar

Selecting this option will create a separate layer for each collar location. This can be useful, for example, in underground conceptual drillhole planning.

Layer base name

This is the base name used for each layer name. When splitting by collar, the actual layer name will be a concatenation of the base name and Collar Number.


This option saves drillholes into Collar and Survey CSV files.

CSV base file name

This is the base name applied to the output CSV files. The file names will be a concatenation of the base name and the table name. Eg. TQ2_DESIGN_Collar.CSV and TQ2_DESIGN_Survey.CSV

Create summary file

Creates a CSV file containing the selected summary fields. Ideal for use in production drilling reports and planning programs.

Summary file name

This is the name applied to the output summary file. Eg. TQ2_DESIGN.CSV

Summary fields

These are the selected columns to export to the summary file, selected using the Select summary fields button, as shown in the screenshot below.

Drillhole Database

This saves drillholes to an ISIS drillhole database. Drillholes can be saved to a new drillhole database or appended to an existing database.

Output database

This is the drillhole database that the created drillholes are saved into. The database extension (.dhd.isis) will automatically be applied. Eg. TQ2_DESIGN.dhd.isis.


This saves the drillholes as defined by the currently selected output options.

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