Point Insert menu contents


Use the Insert option to insert extra points into a particular line segment of a string.

Replace String

Use the Replace String option to replace a section of an existing string.

Dynamic Replace String

Use the Dynamic Replace String option to dynamically replace a nominated section of an existing design object with a Bézier spline curve.

Multi-Replace String

Use the Multi-Replace String option to replace a section of an existing string. Unlike the Replace String option, which only inserts points into a single line segment, the Multi-Replace String option will insert points into all line segments that fall in the same X, Y and Z location.

Plane Insert

Use the Plane Insert option to insert points, that lie on a nominated plane, into a line segment. The plane is defined by the selected line segment and a third point.

Insert At Intersection

Use the Insert At Intersection option to insert an extra point into a line segment where the segment is intersected by another line.

Multi-Insert at Intersection

Use the Multi-Insert at Intersection option to insert extra points in an object at the points where the object is intersected by a line.

Insert At Distance

Use the Insert At Distance option to insert an extra point into a string, at a specified distance from another given point. The distance is measured in 2D or 3D along the string.


Use the Interpolate option to insert points into a line segment along a grade. The points can be either at a nominated distance apartorbe equally spaced along the line segment.


Use the Measure option to insert points into a line segment along a grade, along an elevation or by plan view distance.

Apply Curve

Use the Apply Curve option to apply a curve of a nominated radius or tangent to strings.

Intersection At Elevation

Use the Intersection At Elevation option to insert a point at a nominated elevation.

Intersection With Triangulation

Use the Intersection With Triangulation option to insert a new point wherever a chosen design object, such as a string or polygon, intersects a nominated triangulation.