Geophysics menu contents
Use the Import From DB2 option to convert geophysical data (from the DB2 format) into the binary format used by Borehole Graphics (Borehole Graphics Utility module).
Use the Edit and Display option to select a drillhole for editing lithological data and displaying its geophysical traces. It also allows you to select the default specification file to configure the look of the Borehole Graphics windows.
Use the View Traces option to display a corresponding geophysical trace in Vulcan.
Use the Remove option to remove a selected geophysical trace or frame from the display.
Use the Remove All option to remove all underlays from the display. The triangulations and grids that are associated with the loaded underlays will also be removed.
Use the Load option to load raw geophysics files in either LAS format or GEOLOG format.
Use the Rename/Flip option to change the name of the geophysical traces in the bore hole file, and also allows you to reverse the scaling of the log traces.
Use the Depth Conversion option to apply a depth conversion factor to the log traces prior to creating the binary file.
Use the Null Value option to define the null value for the geophysical traces. The null value can be user defined or read from the data file.
Use the Convert option to apply trace offsets, specified in a file, to a single binary file or a number of binary log files defined by a separate file.
Use the Generate option to generate a binary file containing the geophysical traces from the original Geolog or LAS data.
Use the Invoke Macro option to run an existing macro or replay file.
Use the Save Macro option to save the commands that have been issued during the current session. You can also use this option to clear all of the commands in the replay file.
Use the Edit Macro option to make changes to the contents of an existing macro file.