Washability Data menu contents


This section provides a general overview of the Vulcan washability software as well as a description of the washability options and how they can be grouped. This section will also explain how the washability data should be stored and other prerequisites for using the Washability software.

Open Database

Use the Open Database option to open a drillhole database, so that drillhole data can be graphically displayed.

Load Drillholes

Use the Load Drillholes option to load drillholes onto the screen.

Remove Drillholes

Use the Remove Drillholes option to remove all drillholes from the screen.

Label On

Use the Label On option to label nominated drillholes with a single field from the drillhole database.

Label Off

Use the Label Off option to remove labels from selected drillholes.

Set Up DB Connections

Use the Set Up DB Connections option to set up the specifications that tell the Washability Curve software how to access the washability data on the database. It also, optionally, allows you to set default waste values for drillhole sections for which there is no data.

Set Up Curve

Use the Set Up Curve option to set up the specifications that tell the Washability Curve software the page size and plot defaults to use for producing the washability curve output.

Set Interrogate Mode

Use the Set Interrogate Model option to set the washability system to query the graphs generated during washability curves actions as they are created.

Pick By Intercept

Use the Pick By Intercept option to pick from a displayed drillhole the intercept for which you want to calculate washability curves.

Pick By Seam

Use the Pick By Seam option to pick from a displayed drillhole all of the intercept(s) that correspond to the one seam for which you want to calculate washability curves.

Pick By Two Points

Use the Pick By Two Points option to pick from a displayed drillhole all of the intercept(s) that lie between any two arbitrary points down a drillhole.

Pick By Point and Thick

The documentation for this option is currently being written.

Specify By Depth

Use the Specify By Depth option to specify an arbitrary depth range in a nominated drillhole to select all of the washability data that lies in that range.

Specify By Seam

Use the Specify By Seam option to specify a seam in a nominated drillhole from which to select all of the washability data that is associated with that seam.

Curves From Table

Use the Curves From Table option to generate washability curves from existing, and already calculated, washability tables.

Toggle Graph Window

Use the Toggle Graph Window option to switch between the Plot Window and the Original window

Sheet Template

Use the Sheet Template option to select the paper (sheet) size for the plot to be plotted.

Clear Graphs

Use the Clear Graphs option to remove any washability graphs that have ben generated from the Plot Window.

Plot Report

Use the Plot Report option to plot (individually) the washability graphs that you have generated.

Plot All Reports

Use the Plot All Reports option to plot all of the washability graphs that you have generated.

Plot By Area

Use the Plot By Area option to plot a plan of all objects in currently loaded layers.

Query Graph

Use the Query graph option to perform ISO standard queries of product quality from the graph reports generated and loaded in the Plot Window.

Interrogate Table(s)

Use the Interrogate Table(s) option to perform ISO standard queries using CSV or DMP files containing washability tables.