Ramps menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Ramps submenu and its available options. This section will also describe the conventions used through the Ramps module as well as provide information on how to solve common problems.

Design Pit/Dump

The Design Pit/Dump option combines the basic pit design functions of projection, benches or berms and ramp placement into one integrated option.

Assign Berm/Batter values

Use the Assign Berm/Batter values option to apply batter angles and berm widths to a pit or dump outline before projecting it.

Graphics Toe/Crest/Road

Use the Graphics Toe/Crest/Road option to change the graphical attributes of the pit design strings (crests, toes and roads).

Visibility Toe/Crest/Road

Use the Visibility Toe/Crest/Road option to change the visibility of individual crest, toes and road (haul) strings.

Condition string

Use the Condition string option to perform checks on the nominated toe or crest strings to determine if points must be added or deleted to satisfy certain conditions. This option will then add or delete the required points.

Build Road

Use the Build Road option to create a road outline around a centre line. This option also to apply gradients to the centre line before the creation of the road outline strings.

Insert road Pit/Dump

Use the Insert road Pit/Dump option to generate a haul road up or down the wall of an existing pit.


Use the MKRD option to incorporate a haul road into a dump/pit design.

Road Line

Use the Road Line option to generate a haul road guide string, in a specified gradient range, along a pit triangulation.

Solid Ramp

Use the Solid Ramp option to generate a solid ramp in a nominated bench.

Talpac Export

Use the Talpac Export option to set up parameters for the export to Talpac of a road that is created in Vulcan.

Talpac Start

Use the Talpac Start option to access the Talpac program so that a road created in Vulcan can be exported.