Text Edit menu contents


Use the Edit option is used to change an existing text object by adding, modifying or deleting all or part of the text that makes up the object.


Use the Move option to select a text object and move it to a new position.


Use the Drag option to move a nominated text object to a new position.


Use the Substitute option to search and replace existing text.


Use the Delete Object option to delete nominated text object.

Text To Point

Use the Text To Point option to convert numeric text to a point.


Use the Attributes option to change the drafting size, angle, font, and colour of a text object. In the case of text in a non-transformable font you can also specify whether or not you want to frame the text, i.e. put a box around it.


Use the Font option to change the font of an existing text object.

Font Size

Use the Font Size option to change the drafting size of existing text objects.


Use the Angle option to change the angle of text displayed on the screen.

Text Rotate

Use the Text Rotate option to specify interactively the rotation of a text object.


Use the Colour option to change the colour of 2D text objects.

Convert to 3D Text

Use the Convert to 3D Text option to change 2D text to 3D text.