Drilling Section menu contents

Display Settings

Use the Display Settings option to configure the display attributes for the drillhole data viewed through the Drillhole Section Window, for example display patterns and settings, trace labelling, patterns for correlations etc.

Create Section

Use the Create Section option to create a section by digitising the line segment and width of the cross-section.

Create Grid Section

Use the Create Grid Section option to create a stratigraphic cross-section, i.e. a cross-section that displays grid correlations rather than drillholes.

Load Section

Use the Load Section option to load a predefined drillhole or stratigraphic cross-section.

Save Section

Use the Save Section option to save the section line that was digitised through the Create Section and Create Grid Section options.

Reverse View

Use the Reverse View option to flip the current cross-section along its horizontal axis, i.e. mirror the view in the Drillhole Section Window.

View Next Segment

Use the View Next Segment option to cycle through the segments that make up the defined section line.

Apply Display Settings

Use the Apply Display Settings option to apply a chosen set of display settings to the current cross-section.

Add Hole

Use the Add Hole option to add drillholes to a drillhole section.

Remove Hole

Use the Remove Hole option to remove the drillholes from a drillhole section.

Align Holes

Use the Align Holes option to align the currently selected intervals either to the top, middle or bottom of a specified drillhole.

Reset Holes

Use the Reset Holes option to undo the alignment settings applied through the Align Holes option.

Database Correlation

Use the Database Correlation option to establish correlations between holes without having to preselect the intervals.

Clear All Database Correlations

Use the Clear All Database Correlations option to remove the correlations from the screen.

Grid Correlation

Use the Grid Correlation option to add the trace of one or more grid models to your cross-section.

Clear All Grid Correlations

Use the Clear All Grid Correlations option to remove the grid models from the screen.

Select Intervals

Use the Select Intervals option for individual drillhole intervals.

Select Intervals by Field

Use the Select Intervals by Field option to select the drillhole intervals that match a given criteria, i.e. by name and/or by value.

Select Bore

Use the Select Bore option to select drillholes from the Drillhole Section Window.

Select All

Use the Select All option to select all of the drillholes in the Drillhole Section Window.

Deselect Bore

Use the Deselect Bore option to clear drillholes that were selected through the Select Bore or Select All options.

Deselect All

Use the Deselect All option to clear holes that were selected through the Select Bore or Select All options.

Edit Intervals

Use the Edit Intervals option to edit several boreholes at once.

Save Edits

Use the Save Edits option to save any changes that you have made to the current drillhole database.