Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting


Use the Periods option to define a calendar with the number of desired periods, and the start and end dates for each period. This option offers the flexibility of defining one or more periods with a single or multiple lengths, as necessary.


On the Block menu, click Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting, and then click Periods to display the following panel.

Period Calendar

Use these option buttons, fields, and drop-down boxes to define the periods for your schedule. You can automatically calculate the start date, the period length, the number of periods, or the end date by using the data entered for the other components. Each defined period will appear in the display table.

Compute start date

Select this option to calculate the start date using the data entered in the Period length, Number of periods, and End date fields and drop-downs. If the Compute start date option is not selected, use the Start date fields to enter the desired date in dd-month-yyyy format. Select the month from the drop-down.

Compute period length

Select this option to calculate the period length using the data entered in the Start date, Number of periods, and End date fields and drop-downs. If the Compute period length option is not selected, enter the desired Period length and select the appropriate unit in days, weeks, months, or years.

Compute number of periods

Select this option to calculate the Number of periods using the data entered in the Start date, Period length, and End date fields and drop-downs. If the Compute number of periods option is not selected, use the Number of periods field to specify how many periods you want to add.

Compute end date

Select this option to calculate the end date using the Start date, Period length, and Number of periods fields and drop-downs. If the Compute end date option is not selected, use the End date fields to enter the desired end date in dd-month-yyyy format. Select the month from the drop-down.


Select this option to append the currently defined period to the existing period calendar listing. Note this option is typically used when you switch from months to quarters and/or years.

Replace All

Select this option to replace all of the entries in the existing period calendar listing with the period defined above.


Select a period or periods from the period calendar and click the Delete option to remove it from the listing.

Accumulate until period

Enter the maximum number of periods that data will be accumulated. This number will default to the total number of currently defined periods.

Click OK to save the defined periods.

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