Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting

Solids Animation

Use this option to generate an animated preview of results using the solids.

Solids Animation

Running the animation is dependent upon the solids generated by the Use solids for sequence and accumulation mode option selected on the Specification panel.  You just need to run the option one time to generate the solids.  After that, they will be available anytime you wish to use this animation feature.

If you are using the Use blocks for sequence and accumulation mode, you will need to run the Generate Triangulations for Period option for at least one period to generate the solids need for animation.

The solids are saved to the parameter file, so you just need to load the parameter file if you wish to run the animation in the future.

Seconds per period

Adjust the time from one period to the next.

Slider control

Use the slider to control the number of steps between each phase.

A setting of Fast utlilises few steps between animation scenes and should be used on slower computers that may not have the ability to display the animation at a extreme high quality rate.

A setting of animated preview from STP results using solids is much smoother between scene and can used to view the animation in higher quality.

Start Animation

When you click the button the Animation Control panel appears.  Use this to control the animation.

Click Options to select filters, colour, and symbol parameters.

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