Sequencing Accumulation and Reporting

Tonnage and Bench

Use the Tonnage and Bench option to define the tonnage and bench parameters for each block in the selected block model.


Before working in this option, it is recommended you first use the Block Models option to select a block model


Supply block tonnage

Select this option to supply the block tonnage using a variable.


Select the desired block model variable from which to get the tonnage.

Calculate block tonnage

Select this check box to use either a density value or a variable to calculate the tonnage.

Use density value

Select this option to use a constant density value when calculating the block tonnage. You will also need to enter the desired value.

Use density variable

Select this option to use a block model variable and apply its density value when performing block tonnage calculations. You will also need to enter a number into the Default field that will be used in place of any negative values found in the variable.


Supply block bench

Select this option to supply the block bench using a variable.


Select the block model variable from which the bench value will be taken.

Calculate block bench

Select this check box to define the bench by setting up the bench start, bench end, height multiplier, and a default for the bench height. Following are two examples with different settings to illustrate this setup.

A model has an elevation value between 0 and 100, and a default height bench of 10 metres (the value taken from the primary (parent) z size in the block model). The Calculate block bench option is not used . Note all 10 benches are 10 metres in height.

Figure 1 : Tonnage and Bench Example 1

A model still has an elevation value between 0 and 100 and a height bench of 10, but between 0 and 60, the default height bench is 30 metres. Between elevation 60 and 80, the bench is 20 metres, and between 80 and 100, the bench is the default, 10 metres. The Calculate block bench option is used . These settings are shown in the panel excerpt below.

Figure 2 : Tonnage and Bench panel excerpt

The table for Example 2 is shown below. Note the differences in the benches heights from the first/second, to the third, and finally the fourth/fifth.

Figure 3 : Tonnage and Bench Example 2

Bench Start

Select or enter the desired bench start level.

Bench end

Select or enter the desired bench end level.

Multiply height bench by

Enter the desired multiplier for the bench height. The resulting value will be used to create additional benches.

Default Height Bench

This field displays the value taken from the primary (parent) z size in the block model.

Discard blocks with volume less than... % of the block

Enter the desired percentage to apply when determining which blocks to discard because they contain less volume than is feasible to effectively mine out. This allows filtering out irregular triangulations.

Click OK to save the defined Tonnage and Bench parameters.

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