Blast Design menu contents

Bay Specs

Use the Bay Specs option to edit existing or create new bay specifications.

Hole Specs

Use the Hole Specs option to edit existing bay specifications or create new hole specifications.

Horizon Specs

Use the Horizon Specs option to add new horizon information, and remove or modify existing horizon information.

Set Up

Use the Set Up option to define the bay and hole specifications for creating the 2D pattern.

OB Pattern

Use the OB Pattern option to create a 2D blast pattern for overburden blasting.

IB Pattern

Use the IB Pattern option to create a 2D blast pattern for interburden blasting.

Single Hole

Use the Single Hole option to create single 2D blast pattern holes for overburden or interburden blasting at a given location.

Blast Holes

Use the Blast Holes option to create 3D blast holes from a 2D blast pattern.

Survey Pegs

Use the Survey Pegs option to create the survey peg locations from a 2D blast pattern.

Peg Indicator

Use the Peg Indicator option to create an indicator as to the survey peg locations from a 2D blast pattern.

Hole Parameters

Use the Hole Parameters option to edit the hole parameters for chosen holes in a pattern.

Hole Name

Use the Hole Name option to edit the hole names of pattern objects.

Bay Identifier

Use the Bay Identifier option to edit the bay identifier of pattern objects.

Hole Delete

Use the Hole Delete option to delete pattern hole objects by bay, row, echelon or on a hole-by-hole basis.


Use the Label option to add labels or remove labels from the various components of the layout.


Use the Visibility option to alter the visibility of the various components of the layout.

Bay Delete

Use the Bay Delete option to delete the various components of the layout on a bay-by-bay basis.

Blast Hole Report

Use the Blast Hole Report option to generate a blast hole report.

Survey Peg Report

Use the Survey Peg Report option to generate a survey peg report.