Section Design menu contents


Use the Working option to define the name and description of the working layer. The working layer is the layer into which all section design work will be placed.

Create Sections

Use the Create Sections option offers you six methods for generating section lines. Section line(s) are required for any section design work.

Insert Sections

Use the Insert Sections option to insert additional cross section lines at a nominated distance from existing ones.

XS On LSection

Use the XS On LSection option to place equally spaced section lines perpendicular to and along a previously designed long section line.

Strat Profiles

Use the Strat Profiles option to generate stratigraphic profiles along any of the created section lines or a long section line.

Surface Profiles

Use the Surface Profiles option to generate profiles of any loaded grid mesh or triangulation model along any of the current section lines or the long section line.

C & F Volume

Use the C&F Volume option to calculate and produce a report of the 'cut and fill' end-area volumes over a particular number of the section lines in the working layer.

Section View

Use the Section View option to switch to a temporary 2D window for viewing the selected section and doing any required section design work.

Plan View

Use the Plan View option to return from the Section window back to the Plan view in the normal 3D window.

Long Section View

Use the Long Section View option to switch to a temporary 2D window representing the vertical plane of the long section line.

Stack Sections

Use the Stack Sections option to simultaneously display in a temporary 2D window a selection of sections from the current working layer. The main purpose of this option is to allow a series of sections to be plotted.


Use the Axes/Grid option to place axes or a grid on the data while in the Section window.


Use the Template option to define a previously created line string as the template for a new design surface.

Cut & Fill

The Cut & Fill option allows cut and fill polygons to be generated between the template and a chosen line string.


Use the Annotate option to place text objects representing the area of polygons generated in the Cut & Fill option, or representing any coordinate point in the current section window.

Range Diagram

Use the Range Diagram option to automate the process of designing a dragline bridge, and to automate the generation of a dragline spoil of a given area.