Ventilation menu contents

Open/Create Network

Use the Open Network option to open and/or create a network file.

Save Network

Use the Save Network option to save the currently loaded network file, as well as its corresponding ventilation layer.

Close Network

Use the Close Network option to close the currently open network file, as well as its corresponding ventilation layer.


Use the Defaults option to set the default display settings and values for the Ventilation module.

Open Fan File

Use the Open Fan File option to open and/or create a fan database file.

Add Fan

Use the Add Fan option to add individual fans to an existing fan database file, allowing you to group a number of fans for a particular application, for example for a specific mine or area of the mine.

Edit Fan

Use the Edit Fan option to edit the attributes of an existing fan.

Delete Fan

Use the Delete Fan option to remove (delete) a specific fan from the currently open fan database file.

Save Fan File

Use the Save Fan File option to save the currently open fan database file, as well as all changes made in the current Vulcan session.

Display Attributes

Use the Display Attributes option to set the display attributes, such as branch annotations, line styles and colours, for the branches of the currently loaded network file. This option also to toggle the viewing of symbols and node numbers.

Create Branch

Use the Create Branch option to create a new ventilation branch.

Edit Branch

Use the Edit Branch option to edit the attributes of an existing ventilation branch.

Edit All Branches

Use the Edit All Branches option to edit all of the branches in the current ventilation network.

Delete Branch

Use the Delete Branch option to remove (delete) an existing ventilation branch from the network file and design database.

Reverse Branch

Use the Reverse Branch option to reverse the direction of airflow in a nominated ventilation branch.

Insert Node

Use the Insert Node option to insert a node into an existing ventilation branch. Each of the new nodes will inherit the parameters of the original.

Move Node

Use the Move Node option to move an existing node to a new position along the ventilation branch.

Execute Simulation

Use the Execute Simulation option to perform a simulation on the currently loaded ventilation network.


Use the Report option to report on the network's input and output parameters.