Point Edit menu contents


Use the Resequence option to change the starting point of the sequence in a string.


Use the Move option to move a point to a new position.

Move To Intersection

Use the Move To Intersection option to move a point to a position that is defined by the intersection of two existing lines. If the chosen lines do not actually intersect, then the selected point will be moved to the point of projected intersection.

Multi-Move Points

Use the Multi-Move Points option to move a point to a new position. Unlike the Move option, which only moves a single point, the Multi-Move Points option will move all points that fall in the same X, Y and Z location. The points that fall in the X, Y and Z location can be from one or more objects.

Grid Snap

Use the Grid Snap option to "snap" a point in an object to the nearest intersection of grid lines.


Use the Name option to name and label one or more points in an object. Point names cannot exceed 40 alphanumeric characters.

Z Edit

Use the Z Edit option to change the Z value of a point.

W Tag

Use the W Tag option to set a fourth parameter (W value) for a specific point. The other three parameters are X, Y and Z. A W value may be useful in, for example, underground mine design for the service station number.

Weight Point Values

Use the Weight Point Values option to weight point values (X, Y, Z or W) by the distance from a reference point, or another point value in the same coordinate (i.e. you can modify the X coordinate with the Z coordinate) or a constant value.


Use the Register option to register a point (or a sequence of points) onto a loaded grid mesh or triangulated surface.


Use the Symbol option to edit the size and position of symbols displayed on the screen.

Colour By Attribute

Use the Colour By Attribute option to colour the X, Y, Z and W coordinate values of points in Vulcan.

Remove Attribute Colouring

Use the Remove Attribute Colouring option to remove the attribute colouring assigned to point values.


Use the Delete option to remove individual points from an object. This object may consist of a contour string.

Delete Duplicate

Use the Delete Duplicate option to remove sequential duplicate points from an object. A tolerance level of '0.001' will be used to identify the sequential duplicate points.


Use the Disconnect option to remove the line between two points, i.e. disconnect the points.


Use the Connect option to connect a nominated point to adjacent points in the same object. Adjacent points are the points that precede or follow the nominated point in the digitised sequence. Start and end points of a string are also considered to be adjacent.


Use the Link option to create new strings by linking existing strings that are in a user defined distance of one another. The original strings remain unchanged.

This option is useful for underground survey data where a great number of strings may exist. Combining the strings into larger strings makes it more manageable.


Use the Cut option to delete a section from a string of points.


Use the Append option to add extra points to either the start or the end of a nominated string.

Best Fit

Use the Best Fit option to create a line of best fit between points using the Least Squares method. This produces a 3D line such that the sum of the squares of the perpendicular distance from each point in the selected string to the line is minimised.

Move By Distance

Use the Move By Distance option to move a point a specified distance along a line. This line is the line joining the point that you want to move and a reference point (which doesn't need to exist prior to using this option).

Move By Point

Use the Move By Point option to move a point to the right angle intersection of an extrapolated line (the line joining the reference point and the point to be moved) and a line projected from a nominated point.

Move By Line

Use the Move By Line option to move a point to the intersection of a line (defined by the point you want to move and a reference point) and an existing line segment.