Drilling Utilities menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Drilling Utilities submenu and its available options.

DB Record Definition

Use the DB Record Definition option to create, edit and save the structural horizon lists that are used to create mapfiles and structural model grids.

Horizon List

Use the Horizon List option to create, edit and save the structural horizon lists that are used to create mapfiles and structural model grids.


Use this option to view core photos for a selected drillhole in a linked database via the ALS CoreViewerTM portal.

Check Drillholes

Use the Check Drillholes option to use the Horizons List to check displayed drillholes for discrepancies.

Create/Modify Locate

Use the Create/Modify Locate option to define conditions for locating loaded drillholes.

Run Locate Definition

Use the Run Locate Definition option to run previously defined Locate Definitions without requiring you to access/view the Locate Definition(s) that you want to activate.

Clear Located

Use the Clear Located option to remove the highlighted boxes from drillholes located in previous runs.

Delete Locate Definition

Use the Delete Locate Definition option to remove permanently a Locate Definition from the project specification file.

Set Visibility of Located

Use the Set Visibility of Located option to set the visibility of the currently loaded drillholes by specific criteria.

Remove Using Located

Use the Remove Using Located option to remove drillholes from the display depending on the selection criteria.

Extract Located to DB or CSV

Use the Extract Located to DB or CSV option to create a subset drillhole database or CSV table from the currently displayed and/or located drillholes.

Synthetic Holes

Use the Synthetic Holes option to generate and report grid model values at predetermined X-Y locations.

Mapfile Build Macro

Use the Mapfile Build Macro option to create a macro for generating standard and composite mapfiles.

Mapfile Run Macro

Use the Mapfile Run Macro option to invoke an existing macro without having to view it first.

Advanced Split Definition

Use the Advanced Split Definition option to specify the relationship between splits and merges.

English Log Translation Setup

Use the English Log Translation Setup option to configure the translations that will be used with the English Log Generation option.

English Log Generation

Use the English Log Generation option to create a verbose or ‘readable’ output report of the selected database fields, created from translations of the original encoded lithologies and descriptions.

Plot Available Pattern Table

Use the Plot Available Pattern Table option to plot the available Borehole Graphics pattern chart (symleg.bgq).

Coal Borehole Graphics Pattern Definition

The documentation for this option is currently being written.

Plot Defined Patterns

The documentation for this option is currently being written.

Coal Borehole Graphics Specifications

The documentation for this option is currently being written.

Coal Borehole Graphics Plot

The documentation for this option is currently being written.