Geology menu contents


This section provides an overview of the Geology system and menu.


This section allows you to create and maintain a drillhole database.

Drilling Utilities

This section allows you to locate drillholes by applying user specified criteria, create subsets of the current drilling database, generate mapfiles for grid modelling, and evaluate grid models at specific X-Y locations.

Drilling Section

This section provides an interactive, graphical means of editing and viewing drillhole data. You can use this option to create a vertical cross-section through the drillholes, colour code and label the intervals with a pre-existing drill legend, correlate the intervals between drillholes, interactively edit the drill hole intervals, and display grid models.

Drillhole Planning

This section provides tools to evaluate the current density of selected drillholes within a triangulation, quickly and easily create drilling target points within a triangulation, edit drillholes that are currently displayed on the screen, and generate a total depth drillhole collar from a nominated Vulcan object.

Drillhole Optimiser

This section is used to run a drillhole plan optimisation given a list of available drill rigs and their parameters, as well as a range of possible drilling budgets and classification criteria, maximising resource conversion at minimal drilling cost to assist in the drillhole planning process.

Downhole Geophysics

This section describes the geophysical functions that can be used in conjunction with the Borehole Graphics Utility ( Bhgute).


This section describes the geophysical functions that can be used in conjunction with the Borehole Graphics Utility ( Bhgute).

Fault Manipulation

This section describes a set of tools that assist you in modelling faulted surfaces.

Grid Reserves

This section describes how to generate reserves using grids.

Washability Data

This section describes how to produce ISO 7936 (AS 4156.1) standard washability curves and tables.

Wash Conversion

This section provides a summary of the Wash Conversion submenu and its available options.


This section describes the various compositing methods that are available to average assay values throughout a drillhole database.

Section Resources

This section describes how to generate resources using polygonal methods.


This section describes the various methods that drillhole samples may be displayed.

Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

Use the Principal Component Analysis option to perform conventional Principal Component Analysis (PCA), decorrelate-only Principal Component Analysis (sometimes called sphering, or spectral decomposition), or Minimum Maximum Auto-correlation Factors (MAF).

Channel Sampling

This section describes how to create and edit channel sample locations and orientations.

Implicit Modelling

This section describes how to use the Implicit Modelling option to create 3D models of either geology domains or grade shells.

Pre Drilling Process

Decodes drillhole segments to be used in implicit modelling and regularizes the segments (replaces) that are not needed in the model.

Steep Horizon Modeller

The options allows to use drillhole database, composite database, and design data as input and produce triangulation surfaces, solids, and block models as output.

3D Geological Sculpting

This feature allows the user to manipulate the shape of existing triangulations using the mouse.

Appendix A

This section lists the file naming conventions and provides examples of files used by the Geology module.

Appendix B

This section describes the various sections that may appear in the. smp parameter file. This file is used by the Sampling module (found under both the Geology and Open Pit menus), and the

Appendix C

This section describes file structure, inquisitor template and meta file production for the Wash Conversion module.