Sampling menu contents


This section provides a summary of the Sampling submenu and its available options.

Open Database

Use the Open Database option to open a samples database in order that samples can be displayed graphically.


Use the Load option to load sample groups onto the screen.

Edit Sample

Use the Edit Sample option to see and edit displayed samples.


Use the Remove option to remove a sample group from the screen.

Check/Remove Duplicates

Use the Check/Remove Duplicates option to check for resolve the duplicate records in a samples database. It uses the standard data fields for sample position (X, Y, Z) in order to determine duplicates.


Use the Colour option to recolour a nominated sample group.


Use the Identify option to display, in the Report Window of Vulcan, information on an individual sample in a sample group.

Annotation On

Use the Annotation On option to annotate the samples in a nominated sample group with fields that have been specified on the panels in this option.

Annotation Off

Use the Annotation Off option to remove annotations from selected sample groups.


Use the Contour option to contour samples that lie in a nominated polygon by any field associated with a sample.

Symbols On

Use the Symbols On option to display a symbol beside each sample in a sample group.

Symbols Off

Use the Symbols Off option to remove the symbols that are beside the samples in a nominated sample group.

Flag Samples

Use the Flag Samples option to store a value into a field associated with a sample according to the triangulation, block model, or polygon solid in which the sample resides. The Flag Samples option can also be used to perform calculations on samples or classify samples using a nominated script file.

Cell Decluster

Use this option to compute weights for a set of sample data in order to control the influence of densely packed points.

Database Drift Analyser

The Database Drift Analyser option allows you to study the how grade values change in different directions.

Contact Profile Analyser

Use the Contact Profile Analyser option to investigate the relationship between a chosen grade variable when moving from one geological or estimation unit to another.

Multivariate Transformations

Use the Multivariate Transformations option to take some input multivariate data and populate a set of new variables. Transformation methods include conventional Principal Component Analysis (PCA), decorrelate-only Principal Component Analysis (sometimes called sphering, or spectral decomposition), and Minimum Maximum Auto-correlation Factors (MAF).

Import Points

Use the Import Points option to place digitised points into the samples database.

Import Attributes

Use the Import Attributes option to assign attributes to existing samples in the samples database.

Export ASCII

Use this option to export digitised points from a composite samples database into an ASCII file.

Set Up Display

Use the Set Up Display option to modify the <DISPLAYID>_DISPLAY section of the .smp file. This section defines how the samples are to be displayed when they are being loaded.