Coal Development menu contents


This section describes the options under the Coal Development submenu. This menu can be used in conjunction with the Coal Reserves module, which to estimate the volume, tonnage and quality of an underground coal mine.

Open Mine Workings

Use the Open Mine Workings option to define a working layer. All underground coal design work, such as drivages, panels and outlines, will be placed in this layer.

Graphical Attributes

Use the Graphical Attributes option to set the graphical attributes, such as colour, line type and pattern of objects, in the currently open working layer.

Feature Visibility

Use the Feature Visibility option to change the visibility of objects, such as drivages, panels, scheduling blocks and plotting outlines.

Create Heading

Use the Create Heading option to digitise drivage heading survey lines.

Create Crosscut

Use the Create Crosscut option to digitise drivage crosscut survey lines.

Convert To Heading

Use the Convert To Heading option to import survey lines of roadways from existing mine plans and convert them to drivage headings.

Convert To Crosscut

Use the Convert To Crosscut option to import survey lines of roadways from existing mine plans, and convert them to drivage crosscuts.

Delete Drivage

Use the Delete Drivage option to delete drivages.

Define Panel Type

Use the Define Panel Type option to define a panel structure template, which can be used in the design of areas with the same regular pattern of roadways, that is, many headings and crosscuts can be produced at the same time.

View Panel Type

Use the View Panel Type option to display the panel templates that were created through the Define Panel Type option.

Edit Definition

Use the Edit Definition option to edit the panel templates that were created through the Define Panel Type option.

Delete Definition

Use the Delete Definition option to delete panel templates that were created through the Define Panel Type option.

Create Panel

Use the Create Panel option to create headings and crosscuts survey lines for areas containing regular patterned roadways.

Modify Panel

Use the Modify Panel option to change the number of headings, as well as reread the panel structure template.

Delete Panel

Use the Delete Panel option to delete panel headings and crosscuts survey lines by group, panel or object.

Pillars/LT Outlines

Use the Pillars/LT Outlines option to create pillar scheduling blocks in areas surrounded by roadways. The pillar blocks are stepped away from the survey lines by the specified roadway width. This option also to create (optionally) long-term reserve scheduling blocks.


Use the Area option to get the area of your panel, roadway blocks, pillars, and extraction ratio.

Roadway Blocks

Use the Roadway Blocks option to create roadway scheduling blocks.

LS/SW Pillar Convert

Use the LS/SW Pillar Convert option to create longwall/shortwall scheduling blocks by converting existing pillars.

Create Outline

Use the Create Outline option to create outlines of mine plans in the entire working layer for plotting purposes.

Combine Blocks

Use the Combine Blocks option to combine two or more adjacent blocks into one for scheduling purposes.

Clip Blocks

Use the Clip Blocks option to clip blocks.

Delete Blocks

Use the Delete Blocks option to delete roadway, pillar and long-term reserve scheduling blocks.