Attribute Edit menu contents
Use the Name option to apply a name to a specific object or to all objects in a group, feature or layer.
Use the Name By Coordinate option to apply a name to a specific object or to all objects in a group, feature or layer with the name being the X, Y, or Z coordinate of the first point in the object or the object's value.
Use the Description option to enter a description for a specific object or for all objects in a group, feature or layer.
Use the Group option to group objects for editing purposes.
Use the Ungroup option to remove an object from its group.
Use the Group by Attribute option to group objects by graphical attributes (colour, line type, pattern) and object value.
Use the Value option to assign an arbitrary numeric value to an object.
Use the Close Polygon option to close an object by automatically connecting the first and last points in a string.
Use the Open Polygon option to open a polygon by disconnecting the first and last points in a string.
Use the Feature option to apply a feature to an object.
Use the Graphics option to modify the graphical attributes (colour, line type and pattern) of a specific object.
Use the Segment Colour option to modify the colour of a line segment in an object, thus allowing multicoloured objects.
Use the Attribute to Value option to measure the length or area of a nominated object and use the result as the object value.
Use the Attribute Editor allows users to edit multiple object attributes simultaneously. This tool allows users to edit all the attributes of design objects, change attributes by a specific value, change attribute values based on other attributes, or assign values using an expression evaluator in Perl.
Use the Assign W Tag option to assign W values to points in an object by specifying a starting value.
Use the Along Line option to assign W values to points in a specified distance (width) of an interactively designed line.
Use the Edit option to select a string in an object, and either remove or change the W values of the points that lie in it.
Use the Clear option to clear the W values of all points in an object.
Use the Label option to display the W values of each point in an object.
Use the Interpolate option to insert points between existing points using W values as a guide to the placement of the new points. Use these new points are interpolated to fill in any blanks between points that have increasing W values.
Use the Remove option to remove labels from the screen.
Use the Create/Edit Primitives option to create and edit primitives, as well as apply them to nominated objects.
Use the Primitive Visibility option to toggle the visibility settings of selected primitives.
Use the Remove Primitive option to remove an assigned primitive from a nominated object.
Use the Polygon Texture Primitive option to modify the attributes of the $TRIANG primitive.
Use the Apply Spline option to apply a bi-cubic spline to a series of digitised line segments.
Use the Remove Spline option to remove a bi-cubic spline from a series of digitised line segments.
Use the Insert Points on Spline option to insert points at a nominated interval (stepping distance) on a cubic spline.