Create menu contents


Use the Layer option to define a new (or existing) design layer to which subsequent digitising will be assigned.


Use the Point option to digitise discrete points.


Use the Line option to create a line.

In Plane

Use the In Plane option to create lines with a Z value based on a plane defined by two or three points.


Use the Polygon option to create a polygon.

Polygon Textured

Use the Polygon Textured option to create a polygon with a triangulation or texture image tiled over it.


Use the Rectangle option to create a rectangle.


Use the Grid option to create a 2D grid of points by firstly indicating the spacing between the points on each axis, and then the starting (origin) point, and the axes.


Use the Building option to create a building from a floor plan, i.e. a nominated polygon.


Use the Arc option to design a circle, arc or spiral with a Z-value based on a plane defined by two or three points.


Use the Ellipse option to create an ellipse.

Arrow 2D

Use the Arrow 2D option to create a two-dimensional arrow.

Arrow 3D

Use the Arrow 3D option to create a three-dimensional arrow.


Use the Spline option to create a line and apply a 3D bi-cubic spline (smooth curve) to it while digitising the line.


Use the Symbol option to select a symbol from the symbol database and copy it into the current layer.

Line draw by hand

Use the Line draw by hand option to create a line that consists of a string of points. While similar to the Line option, the Line draw by hand option does not require you to indicate each individual point in the resulting line. You instead indicate the object's starting point and drag the cursor to draw the line.

Polygon draw by hand

Use the Polygon draw by hand option to create a polygon or other "closed strings objects", such as circles, rectangles etc., onscreen. While similar to the Polygon option, the Polygon draw by hand option does not require you to indicate each individual point in the resulting object. You instead indicate the object's starting point and drag the cursor to draw the object.

Configure draw by hand

Use the Configure draw by hand option to configure the settings for the "draw by hand" options, that is Line draw by hand and Polygon draw by hand.

Create Text

Use the Create Text option to insert text annotations into the current design layer.

Import Text

Use the Import Text option to insert existing text files into the current design database and save them as design objects.

Create 3D Text

Use the Create 3D Text option to insert text annotations into the current design layer.

Import 3D Text

Use the Import 3D Text option to import text from an existing ASCII file and insert it into the current design layer.


Use the Features option to create an object with a feature.

Note:  It is not possible to create points in windows other than those that have the same coordinate space as the window that was current when the menu option was started. For example: If you have the Primary Window current, then you cannot digitise in the drafting window. However, you can in the Overview Window. You also won't be able to digitise in the "window fitted to layer <name>", created through the View > Windows > Fit Layer option.