Increment Design menu contents


The Blocks option to load blocks and mid-benches from Datamine files, and convert them to mining blocks.

Report File

Use the Report File option to load a Haulroad report file or a Reserves report file into the current graphics layer.


Use the Number option to apply unique names to blocks for identification. These names are required for all reporting functions including Schute (Scheduling utility).


Use the Block option to create 3D blocks from 2D polygons.


Use the Increment option to create increments from mining blocks across benches.


Use the Haulroads option to create haulroads in a mining pit. Each haulroad may pass through several block centroids and end at an exit point.


Use the Reserves option to calculate the reserves for selected mining blocks or increments.


Use the Schute option to output the last calculated reserves to a database so that this can be used by Schute (Scheduling utility).

Schute EFH

Use the Schute EFH (Effective Flat Haul) option to compute EFH values for mine blocks and write them to an existing database


Use the STSS option to output the last calculated reserves to a file of a specific format that can be loaded easily into any spreadsheet program.


Use the LTSS option to output the last calculated increment reserves plus haulroad information so that it can be used by the Long Term Scheduling System.

Generate Faces

Use the Generate Faces option to generate active faces for each mining block in a bench.

Advance Faces

Use the Advance Faces option to set an advance face from the faces generated through the Generate Faces option.

Create Solids

Use the Create Solids option to create 3D solid triangulations from selected mining blocks.


Use the Invisible option to make all the mining block triangulations on the screen invisible.


Use the Visible option to make all the mining block triangulations on the screen visible.


Use the Remove option to remove all mining block triangulations from the screen.


Use the Graph option to display graphs of the last calculated reserves.


Use the Report option to display the reserves report that was calculated last, as well as optionally save the report to a nominated reserves report file.

Report 2

Use the Report 2 option to display the haul road reserves report that was calculated last, as well as optionally save the report to a nominated Haul road reserves report file.

XPAC Export

Use the XPAC Export option to compute EFH values for increments, and export them to a file suitable for import into XPAC.

Long Report

Use the Long Report option to write the last calculated reserves to a file.