Development menu contents


This section provides a brief description of the Development submenu.

Set Up

Use the Set Up option to set the defaults for the options used through the Development submenu.

Automatic Ramp

Use the Automatic Ramp option to construct underground ramps between two locations in space.

Interactive Ramp Edit

Use the Interactive Edit Ramp option to edit the ramps that were created through the Automatic Ramp option.

Level Layout

Use the Level Layout option to quickly lay out underground development connecting optional level access points and a group of stope triangulations. Level Layout generates near-optimal designs that seek to minimize the total cost of constructing the level access network and hauling ore from stopes.

Centre Line

Use the centreline option to create centrelines for the underground development.

Cross Cuts

Use the Cross Cuts option to construct cross cuts at any angle from a selected string.

Wall Outline

Use the Wall Outline option to create a wall outline by specifying the width of the walls away from the centreline.

Merge Walls

Use the Merge Walls option to merge outline walls at their junctions to make a continuous polygon.

Union Walls

Use the Union Walls option to merge outline walls where pillar polygons will form part of the underground development.

Project Backs/Floors

Use the Project Backs/Floors option to project wall outlines vertically to create a back (roof) polygon and/or a floor polygon.

Link Strings

Use the Link Strings option to link individual line segments, having common points, into single strings thus filtering out the common points.

Apply Curve

Use the Apply Curve option to apply a curve of a nominated radius or tangent to strings.

Corner Peel

Use the Corner Peel option to place filleted turns in the wall outline at intersections based on a defined radius.


Use the Costing option to produce a report in the Vulcan Report Window for simple costings on a given volume and cost per linear advance.

Define Ring

Use the Define Ring option to apply expansion widths to a shape such as a stope or drive.

Expand Ring

Use the Expand Ring option to expand a shape, such as a stope or drive.

Partial Gradient

Use the Partial Gradient option to set the gradient on a portion of a line, leaving the remaining portion of the line unaltered.


Use the Information option to display, in the Report Window of Vulcan, the elevation of two points in a string and the gradient between those two points.

Model Backs/Floors

Use the Model Backs/Floors option to create a solid model from wall outline polygons.

Auto Name

Use the Auto Name option to automatically name cross cuts that are created.

Manual Name

Use the Manual Name option to manually name the cross cuts that are created.

Point(s) Annotation

Use the Point(s) Annotation option to annotate points according to the settings defined through the Point Annotations and Font Settings tabs of the Set Up option.

Line(s) Annotation

Use the Line(s) Annotation option to annotate lines according to the settings defined through the Line Annotations and Font Settings tabs of the Set Up option.