Drillhole Planning Reporting - Save and Run

Selecting Save and Run will run the selected reports and generate:

  • A triangulation sub-directory named according to the specification file name and scenario ID (e.g. demo_1.tri) containing the output drillhole hazard triangulations. If Create individual triangulations for each depth threshold and Create separate sub-directories for each drillhole are selected, further triangulation sub-directories will be created for each drillhole.

  • A sub-directory named according to the specification file name and scenario ID (e.g. demo_1) containing:

    • Breakthrough Hazards Report

    • A breakthrough_hazards_report.csv report file, containing a list of all intersections between the hazard triangulations and selected Inputs..

    • A triangulation selection file (*.sel) for the hazard triangulations that had intersections, named Input_triangulations_with_interesections.sel.

    • A drillhole selection file (*.sel) for the selected drillholes that had intersections, named Drillholes_with_intersections_dhd.sel.

    • A triangulation selection file (*.sel) for the drillhole hazard triangulations that had intersections, named Drillholes_with_intersections_tri.sel.

Breakthrough Hazard Report

The breakthrough hazard report contains a row per intersection object, which means if a drillhole has 3 different objects that intersect its drillhole hazard triangulation(s) (assuming Create individual triangulations for each depth threshold has not been selected), 3 rows will be created for that drillhole.

The number of columns created depends on how many times the intersection object intersects the drillhole hazard triangulation(s).

Hole ID The name of the drillhole from which the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) were created.
Hazard Drillhole Database Name The name of the drillholes database selected from the hazards input panel (if selected).
Hazard Design Database Name

The name of the design database selected from the hazards input panel (if design data was selected).

Hazard Layer Name

The name of the Layer selected from the hazards input panel (if design data has been selected).

Hazard Group Name

The name of the Group selected from the hazards input panel(if design data has been selected).

Hazard Object Name The name of the Object selected from the hazards input panel.
Intersection X The X coordinate of the intersection between the input object and the drillhole hazard triangulation(s).
Intersection Y

The Y coordinate of the intersection between the input object and the drillhole hazard triangulation(s).

Intersection Z The Z coordinate of the intersection between the input object and the drillhole hazard triangulation(s).
Intersection Distance to Hole

The distance to the drill trace from the first intersection hazard with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) for each depth threshold.

Intersection Hole Depth The downhole depth of the first intersection hazard with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) for each depth threshold.
Closest X The X coordinate of the closest input object that intersected with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) to the drill trace.
Closest Y The Y coordinate of the closest input object that intersected with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) to the drill trace.
Closest Z The Z coordinate of the closest input object that intersected with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) to the drill trace.
Closest Distance To Hole

The distance to the drill trace from the closest point of the first hazard object for each depth threshold.

Closest Hole Depth The downhole depth of the closest point of the first hazard object from the first intersection of a hazard with the drillhole hazard triangulation(s) for each depth threshold.

Intersection Report

The intersection report contains a row per drillhole.

The number of columns created depends on how many of the intersection triangulations are intersected and how many times each triangulation is intersected.

Hole ID The name of the drillhole.
Intersection Object Name The name of the triangulation that was intercepted by the drillhole.
Intersection X

The X coordinate of the intersection between the drillhole and the triangulation.

Intersection Y

The Y coordinate of the intersection between the drillhole and the triangulation.

Intersection Z

The Z coordinate of the intersection between the drillhole and the triangulation.

Intersection Hole Depth The downhole depth of the intersection triangulation.

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