Open Cut Design menu contents

Flag Toe/Crest string

Use the Flag Toe/Crest string option to apply standard Vulcan naming conventions to pit or dump strings. This option requires that you identify individual pit or dump strings as a 'toe' or 'crest'.


Use the Tolerance option to set pre-defined distances and angle tolerances. This eliminates 'butterflies' (shrink/grow crossovers) being formed at corners of less than the specified tolerances when projecting objects.

Assign Berm/Batter value

Use the Assign Berm/Batter values option to apply batter angles and berm widths to a pit or dump outline before projecting it. The batter angles and berm widths can be assigned manually to selected line segments in the pit outline, or they can be applied from variables in an indexed block model.

Condition string

Use the Condition string option to perform checks on the nominated toe or crest strings to determine if points must be added or deleted to satisfy certain conditions. This option will then add or delete the required points.

Project string

Use the Project string option to create a projection of a pit/dump outline from a nominated angle to a nominated or relative level, or until it intersects a grid or triangulation model.

Shadow Tool

Create a projection using RPD engine to create a shadow. You can use the shadow to snap against a redesigned pit.

Berm string

Use the Berm string option allows you to project a berm or bench from a nominated pit or dump outline.

Auto Pit

Use the Auto Pit option to generate a pit or dump from a selected outline, using constant bench heights and widths. The pit/dump can be limited to a nominated depth or limited by approximate volume. You can also interactively generate double or triple benches and change the projection parameters, such as batter angle, berm width and bench height.


Use the Incline option to apply an inclination to a single bench (or berm) polygon. It is used to apply a drainage gradient to an existing bench string in a pit design. This option registers the nominated bench outline onto a plane that has been rotated from the horizontal. The plane is defined by a dip direction and dip angle.

Multi Incline

Use the Multi Incline option to apply an inclination to a number of perimeter strings at once. This is useful for open pit mine designs where the "flat" berms need to be inclined a few degrees for drainage or other reasons.


Use the Pairs option to create toe and crest strings by projecting from either toe, crest or mid bench strings. This is useful for completing the creation of the pit by interpolating missing design information.

Toes And Crests

Use the Toes And Crests option to create toe and crest strings from a pit triangulation.

Update Toe

Use the Update Toe option to create advanced solids and lines in a simple and fast manner. These solids can be used to calculate reserves from a block model or to calculate volumes from a triangulation.


Use the Blocks option to create scheduling blocks through interactively cutting bench solids into smaller blocks.

Interactive Block Planner

Use this option to create scheduling blocks through interactively cutting bench solids into smaller blocks.

Cut Reporting

Use Cut Reporting to reconcile planned mining polygons with end-of-period polygons and create a map of planned shapes inside a polygon.

Progress Maps

Use the Progress Maps option to create a progress map layer for each period based on current topography, pushback designs, and scheduling information. Topography is clipped according to a specified elevation for each pushback and period. The new pushback is then copied into the topography layer.

Dump Design

Use the Dump Design option to conduct fast and simple dump design and planning. Through using this option, you will able to generate a solid that represents the dump, a new topography surface, and calculate the volume of the dump.

Rehab Design

Use the Rehab Design option to generate a rehabilitated waste dump based on a current waste dump design. The resulting rehabilitated waste dump will be saved as a solid triangulation in a nominated directory.

Pit Topography

Use the Pit Topography option to generate an updated pit topography, pushback solid and topography intersection line for a previous topographic surface against a surface of a new pit design.

Update Topography

Use the Update Topography option to take a planned cut shape, which has some points coincident with the topo line, and update the topography string to parts of the shape that are not coincident with the topography.

Define Angles

Use the Define Angles option to assign an angle value to one or more line segments, which in turn can be used in the Planes option to create a planar surface.


Use the Planes option to create a plane around a nominated string. The plane will be limited by a nominated polygon.

Move Pit/Dump Wall

Use the Move Pit/Dump Wall option to change the position of a pit wall.


Use the Relimit option to move a wall to another position by relimiting to a triangulation.

Make Mask

Use the Make Mask option to create a polygon around the walls of a pit that has been made from the Projection and Berm etc. options. This polygon can then be used as a bounding polygon when triangulating the pit.

Phase Generator

Use the Phase Generator option to automatically calculate the tonnage or profit from a block model. The resulting calculation can be saved in a nominated CSV or Excel file.

Performance by Phase Bench

Use the Performance by phase-bench option to calculate the average width and length according to a flagged phase variable in a nominated block model. This option is useful when wanting to assign performance according to geometric constraints.


Use this tool to reconcile the mining plan with the actual topography.

SawTooth Plot

Use the SawTooth Plot option to construct a saw tooth graph that displays the extraction of material. The resulting graph will be based on inventory by phase, bench and period tonnages of mineral and waste.