Object Edit menu contents


Use the Identify option to identify an object and obtain coordinates of nominated points as well as identify the layer (including underlays) to which the object belongs.


Use the Delete option to delete objects, including objects that consist of text or represent contour strings.

Delete by Poly

Use the Delete by Poly option to remove all points of objects that are intersected by a polygon and lie either in or outside the polygon.

Clip by Poly

Use the Clip by Poly option to clip strings to the edge of polygons.

Clip by Solid

Use the Clip by Solid option to clip design data found inside or outside of a nominated solid triangulation.

Clip by Triangulation

Use the Clip by Triangulation option to clip design data found inside or outside of a nominated solid triangulation.


Use the Trim option to delete line segments from a nominated object(s) wherever an intersection occurs.


Use the Drag option to move a nominated design object, such as a polygon, string, text etc., to a new position.


Use the Offset option to select an object and perpendicularly offset it by a defined distance.


Use the Split option to split an object into two or more individual objects.

Intersection Split

Use the Intersection Split option to split a line into two or more separate objects at the points of intersection between the original line and another line.


Use the Paste option to take a whole string (entire object) and insert itintoanother string.

Join Point

Use the Join Point option to join selected points in an object to form a separate object.

Join Lines

Use the Join Lines option to combine two separate strings (objects) to form one string.


Use the Coalesce option to combine two or more separate strings (objects) as one object, without altering the actual design of those strings.


Use the Reverse option to reverse the sequence of a string.

Reverse Advanced

Use the Reverse Advanced option to reverse the sequence of the string, while maintaining the point names and W Tags of the start of each line segment.


Use the Sort option to sort points in a string (object) along the X or Y axis.


Use the Consistent option to make the sequence of points in objects consistent by specifying whether the points should be in a clockwise or anticlockwise sequence.

Point Name

Use the Point Name option to remove all point names or assign point names.


Use the Connection option to connect or disconnect all points in an object.

Cross Check

Use the Cross Check option to insert points at points of intersection (in Plan view) of objects. You can also use this option to determine where an object intersects itself.

Grid Snap

Use the Grid Snap option to 'snap' all points in an object onto the closest point, on the grid plane, beneath the cursor.


Use the Filter option to take out excess points in a string without changing its shape.


Use the Register option to register an object onto a grid mesh or triangulated surface.

Z Value

Use the Z Value option to apply a nominated Z value to an object.

Register by Plane

Use the Register by Plane option to register an object to any plane.

W Tag

Use the W Tag option to apply a W Tag (value) to an object. The value will apply to all points in the specified object.


Use the Grade option to apply a gradient to a nominated string or part of a string.

Delete End Point

Use the Delete End Point option to delete the end point of objects.


Use the Explode option to split a nominated object, such as a rectangle, polygon or string, with each line segment of the chosen object becoming a separate object.


Use the Transform option to transform an object or objects interactively. The objects can be transformed by altering the bearing, plunge and dip of the X (Easting) axis relative to a user-defined origin (or centre of rotation), by translating the object or by scaling the object.

Colour by Gradient

Use the Colour by Gradient option to use an existing contour scheme to colour displayed design objects.