Ring Design menu contents


This section describes the options under the Ring Design submenu. References are also made to the options under the Explosives Loading submenu as both menus provide you with a complete set of tools for underground blast design.

Create/Edit Blast Specification File

Use the Create/Edit Blast Specification File option to create or edit the specification file that is to be used in the Ring Design and Explosive Loading modules.

Edit Display Preferences

Use the Edit Display Preferences option to view/modify the default display settings.

Create Rings

Use the Create Rings option to create section lines, which define the locations of the blast rings.

Create Rings Index

Use the Create Rings Index option to create an index of a section line. The index identifies a reference position, such as the origin of the drillhole pattern (for Section view) or the position of rings with respect to the origin of the blast (Plan view).

Rename Rings

Use the Rename Rings option to select individual section lines or digitize picking line. The digitize picking line then selects any holes that intersect that line and honour the sequence from point 1 to point to point 2 to rename in that sequence.

Create Ring Profiles

Use the Create Ring Profile option to separate a 3D model of material to be mined into slices or cuts which can be used for ring design.

Calculate Ring Reserves

Use the Ring Reserves option to calculate the available mineable material in a stope triangulation based on grade specifications for the stope or the mine as whole.

Create/Edit Blast Database Design

Use the Create/Edit Blast Database Design option to create a datasheet (design) for a blasthole database by specifying the fields required for your project. Any standard fields that are required in the datasheet are included automatically.

Create/Open Blast Database

Use this option to open an existing blasthole database. All new blastholes will be stored in, and existing holes will be linked to, the currently opened database.

Display Rings

Use the Display Rings option to load the blastholes for a chosen ring (layout).

Remove Rings

Use the Remove Rings option to remove loaded blastholes from the screen.

Navigate Rings

Use the Navigate Rings option to set the working layout for the current Vulcan session.

Next Ring

Use the Next Ring option to set the working layout for the current Vulcan session, by progressing to the next ring in the loaded layer.

Previous Ring

Use the Previous Ring option to set the working layout for the current Vulcan session, by returning to the previous ring in the loaded layer.

Display Current Ring Name and Dump Angle

Use the Display Current Ring Name and Dump Angle option to show/hide the current working layout and, if applicable, the current working plane angle.

Change Ring Dump Angle

Use the Change Ring Dump Angle option to edit the dump angle of an individual ring.

Create Hole

Use the Create Hole option to create individual offset or radial blastholes. Any new holes created by this option will be added to the working layout.

Create/Edit Five Spot Hole

Use the Create/Edit Five-Spot Hole option to create or edit a five-spot hole (sometimes called a "dice five" hole).

Move Hole

Use the Move Hole option to change a blasthole's position.

Copy Hole

Use the Copy Hole option to copy an existing blasthole from one layout to another.

Delete Hole

Use the Delete Hole option to delete blastholes from the screen, as well as from the blasthole database.

Edit Hole Diameter

Use the Edit Diameter option to edit the diameter of blastholes from the screen, resulting in changes to the blasthole database.

Shuffle Hole

Use the Shuffle Holes option to move the toe or collar points for a group of blastholes.

Adjust Hole Length

Use the Adjust Hole Length option to adjust the lengths of a group of blastholes.

Comment Hole

Use Comment Hole to edit custom comment.isis fields directly from Vulcan.

Layout Hole Pattern

Use the Layout Pattern option to automatically create multiple blastholes for a layout according to a set of layout definition parameters.

Fill Hole Pattern

Use the Fill Pattern option to create multiple blastholes automatically for a layout according to a set of layout definition parameters.

Change Hole Sequence

Use the Change Sequence option to change the value (name), which is stored in the NAME field of the HEADER table in the blasthole database. This value is used for reporting and plotting purposes.

Explosives Loading

This section describes the explosive analysis tools that can be used to assign explosive columns to blasthole and order (cap) each column for the blast sequence.

Edit Ring Report Format

Use the Edit Report Format option to load a report style file. The report style is used by the Report on Layout option to produce a blast report for selected layouts or individual holes.

R eport on Rings

Use the Report on Layout option to generate a blast report for selected layouts or individual holes.

Export to IREDES

Use the Export to IREDES tool to export underground blastholes to XML files that follow the IREDES format.

Plot Rings

Use the Plot Rings option to create a set of cross section plot files. An explosives report may be included with each cross section to form a complete plot.


Underground Ring Design